The Prevalence Of Poultry Disease And It’s Mortality Rate
This study examined the prevalence of poultry disease and its mortality rate. Poultry is a major source of protein in most parts of the world. Trade in poultry and poultry product is a source of livelihood of millions of Nigerians. However, the outbreak of Avian Influenza (AI) in Nigeria increased disease constraint in addition to Newcastle and Gumboro diseases. Live bird markets (LBMs) have been attributed as a mixing point of poultry from different households with increased likelihood of cross infection. The study assessed Avian Influenza, Newcastle and Gumboro diseases antibodies status of poultry in Abuja LBMs by Haemagglutination Inhibition (HI) and Agar Gel Immunodiffusion (AGID) tests respectively.
Biosecurity practices were also assessed through administration of standard questionnaires. Prevalence and mean titre for avian influenza were 65.3% and 10.40±0.94 log2, respectively. Newcastle disease mean antibody titre was 5.91±0.27 log2 with prevalence of 64.3%. Gumboro disease prevalence was 69.8%. Among species tested, duck had the highest avian influenza prevalence of 84 % and chicken prevalence was 63.3%. Pigeons and turkeys have been exposed to Gumboro disease virus with chickens having Newcastle disease prevalence of 63.8 %. All the species had avian influenza antibodies titre ≥ 7log2 except guinea fowl. Garki Area I LBM had the highest avian influenza prevalence of 87.9 % with Garki II new extension market having the lowest prevalence of 22.2 %. Fowl sellers engaged in risky practices such as stacking of cages.
Sixty four percent (64.6%) of fowl sellers use sick poultry for food, 33.3% sell sick poultry, 29.2% throw away offal and only 20.8% bury dead poultry. Furthermore, 37.4% knew none of avian influenza signs though 69.8% were knowledgeable on its mode of transmission. Nonetheless, 90.0% poultry sellers would report avian influenza outbreak to Veterinarians. Poultry in Abuja LBMs are mainly local birds and have been exposed to avian influenza virus and are not protected from Gumboro disease and Newcastle disease outbreaks which might be confused with highly pathogenic avian influenza. The exposure of poultry to avian influenza antigen is recent with the likelihood of them shedding the virus at high levels. The risk of ducks spreading infection to household local chickens is high as local poultry farmers get breeding stock from LBMs.
Fowl sellers engage in risky practices likely to expose them and poultry to avian influenza virus. There is need to undertake avian influenza viral surveillance in all LBMs in Abuja and better articulate avian influenza risks to fowl sellers. There are no significant biosecurity measures employed by the LBMs in Abuja and this could be a source of disease outbreak in poultry, poultry sellers and handlers as well as the general public.
Table Of Contents
Preliminary Page(s)
Title Page
Table Of Content
Chapter One
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background Of The Study
1.2 Statement Of Research Problem
1.3 Justification Of Study
1.4 Aim Of The Study
1.5 Objectives The Study
1.6 Significance Of The Study
Chapter Two
2.0 Literature Review
2.1 Avian Influenza Virus Infection
2.1.2 History Of Avian Influenza
2.1.3 Distribution Of Avian Influenza
2.1.4 Incidence Of Avian Influenza
2.1.5 Classification Of Avian Influenza
2.1.6 Resistance Of Avian Influenza Virus To Chemical And Physical Agents
2.1.7 The Disease Entity Susceptible Hosts Transmission Incubation Period Clinical Signs Morbidity And Mortality Pathology Differential Diagnosis Control Public Health Significance Of Avian Influenza Economic Significance
2.2 Local Poultry
2.2.1 Population Of Local Poultry In Nigeria
2.2.2 Disease Of Local Poultry- Viral Diseases Bacterial, Ricketsial And Fungal Diseases External Parasites Helminthiasis Coccidiosis Haemoparasitism Miscellaneous Conditions
2.2.3 Local Poultry And Avian Influenza
2.2.4 Role Of Live Bird Markets In The Spread Of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza
2.2.5 Mutation And Facilitation Of Avian Influenza Virus By Industrial Poultry Production
2.2.6 Evidence Of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza In Nigeria And Its Genetic Characterization
Chapter Three
3.0 Materials And Methods
3.1 Study Area
3.2 Sample Size
3.3 Blood Sample Collection
3.4 Serological Test Procedure
3.4.4 Detection Of Gumboro Disease Antibodies Agar Gel Immunodiffusion Test
3.5 Data Analysis
Chapter Four
4.1 Avian Influenza, Newcastle And Gumboro Disease Antibody In Poultry In Live Bird Markets
4.2 Assessment Of Fowl Sellers Biosecurity Practices Within Live Bird Markets In Abuja
Chapter Five
5.0 Discussion
Chapter Six
6.0 Summary, Conclusions And Recommendations
6.1 Summary
6.2 Conclusions
6.3 Recommendations
Chapter One
1.1 Background of the Study
Agriculture in Nigeria has remained the largest sector contributing nearly 39% to the gross domestic product for the past two decades and employing nearly 60% of its workforce. Over 80% of the country’s population in the rural areas is directly or indirectly dependent on agriculture for its livelihood (NBC,2005). The Nigeria livestock resources consist of 13,885,813 cattle; 34,453,724 Goat; 22,092, 602 sheep; 3,406,381 pigs; 104,247,960 poultry (Rim, 1992). From these figures, poultry is about 58. 72% of the total livestock production which indicates the place of poultry sub-sections in the livestock industry.
Poultry plays an important economic, nutritional and socio-cultural role in the livelihood or rural household in many developing countries including Nigeria. Poultry are birds that include fowl, turkey, duck, goose, ostrich guinea fowl, pigeon etc. which render not only economic services but contribute significantly to human food as a primary supplier of meat, egg, raw materials for industries (feathers, waste products), source of income and employment to people compare to other domestic animals (Avila 1985; Demehe, 2004).
Poultry meat and eggs play a very useful role in protein production in Nigeria. They are palatable and generally acceptable. This acceptability cuts across nearly all cultural region boundaries in Nigeria. Poultry industry plays important role in the development of Nigeria economy. Poultry production has become a full time job for many Nigerians and significantly contribute to the Groose National Product (GNP) (Umeh and Odo; 2002). Poultry products mainly meat and eggs represent important food for improving the nutritional status particularly of the most vulnerable populations-children and pregnant women. Poultry production is an important part of farming in many parts of the world. The major attracting factor in poultry production is probably the tendency of providing a fairly rapid return on capital (Abdulkali; 2002).
The poultry industry in Nigeria has recorded considerable expansion in recent time (FAO, 2000). For example, the creation of Akwa Ibom State in 1987 and the increased activities of oil and gas companies in the area with the resultant improvement in the demand for animal protein especially in the form of poultry products. This has led to the establishment of poultry farms which are located in Uyo agricultural zone of the state. While overall national increase in poultry production has probably triggered off vigorous research into alternative and cheaper feed resources urgently needed to sustain such growth: there is the need to continually focus attention on the health of the animals in other to realize the full potential of the industry (Fasami; 1990).
Poultry diseases remain one of the major threats to boosting poultry production in Nigeria (Halle et al., 1998; Laseinde, 2002). Poultry diseases continue to play major central role in hampering its development (FAO, 1998; Rushton et al, 1999) The impact of diseases on animal agriculture is typically assessed in quantitative terms. In poultry industry examples of these terms include lost revenues, costs of vaccination/prevention, eradication decontamination and restocking. These have been referred to as a negative input (Unrusfield, 1995). In Nigeria, diseases are among the major factors that hinder poultry development (Alanargot, 1987; Alemu, 1995).
A lot of losses in poultry have been linked to diseases causing agents such as viruses, bacteria and parasites. It has been estimated that more than 750 million chicken, guinea fowls and duckling in Africa die each year as a result of various infections (Sonaiya 1990). Although somewhat in birds parasitic has been achieved by commercial production system mostly due to improved housing hygiene and management practices, the prevalence of infectious diseases is still very rampant (Pandry et at: 1992). Nigeria has a comparatively well developed poultry industry for West African Nation.
Apantaku (2006) described this trend to the low level of poultry production in comparison to the level of poultry technologies being generated by Nigerian poultry researchers. The prevailing situation became worsen in 2006 by the reported outbreak of highly pathogenic and viral diseases like Avian influenza, Newcastle disease, infectious bursal disease and coccidiosis. Obayelu (2007) reports that the diseases outbreak led many poultry farmer into psychological breakdown due to losses incurred and also affected animal protein intake of a large sector of Nigeria population.
Major limitations confronting the industry are numerous. The problems confronting the poultry industry in Nigeria include disease, low egg production, poor chick quality, poor weight gain, lack of capital, management problems etc (Van et al.; 1995; Apan taku et al; 1998; Ojo; 2003). Other problems include high cost of drugs and equipment such as battery cases, high cost of feeding, increasing cost of medications, marketing and lack of storage facilities as well as unfriendly government policy and finance. Sources of economic losses in poultry include lack of technical know-how, poor quality feed, poor housing, mismanagement and of great significance, disease outbreak which had received tremendous attention (Adekumisi et al; 1996; Torimiiro et. al., 2002).
Despite the economic significance of the diseases to the commercial and small scale poultry producers in the country, no substantial research has been done to asses its economic losses. With the increasing interest in poultry production evidenced by the proliferation in poultry farms, it is pertinent to continually evaluate the prevalence rate and management issues associated with common poultry disease such as Avian influenza, Newcastle disease, infectious bursal disease and coccidiosis.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
The incidence of poultry diseases in Nigeria has led many poultry farmers into psychological breakdown due to losses incurred. Poultry diseases has a gross attack rate on commercial poultry production. Culling birds in order to eradicate and control the spread of the diseases has negatively affected the livelihoods of all classes of poultry owners and producers. Such an impact is most serious on the smaller family producer and commercial producer whom poultry production is their sole of income generation. Effects of poultry diseases on the economy. Where market is lost through the reduced rate to export, restriction of movement of birds and the closing of some domestic markets is especially the constraint which affect the income generating ability of smaller producers in the zone (Mettzer et al., 1999). The non consumption of poultry meat as well as its products has also affected animal protein intake in the large sector of the population. The most pronounced affect is the sharp decline in demand as people avoided eating and demanding for poultry product out of fear of being infected (WHO, 2004a). The survivability of poultry industry in Nigeria is very low due to poor management techniques embarked upon by rural poultry farmers, and outbreak of seasonally defendant diseases that can account for high chick losses and mortality.
1.3 Purpose of the Study
The study is aimed at examining the prevalence rate of poultry diseases and mortality of flock in the study area. Specifically the study seeks the following objectives.
To determine the prevalence rate of Avian influence and its mortality rate on poultry in Uyo Local Government Area.
To determine the prevalence rate of Newcastle Disease and it mortality rate on poultry in Uyo Local Government Area.
To determine the prevalence rate of infectious Bursal disease and its mortality rate on poultry in Uyo Local Government Area.
To determine the prevalence rate of coccidiosis and its mortality rate on poultry in Uyo Local Government Area.
1.4 Research Questions
What is the prevalence rate of Avian influenza and its mortality rate on poultry on Uyo Local Government Area?
What is the prevalence rate of Newcastle diseases and its mortality rate on poultry in Uyo Local Government Area.
What is the prevalence rate of infectious Bursal disease and its mortality rate on poultry in Uyo Local Government Area.
What is the prevalence rate of coccidiocsis and its mortality rate on poultry in Uyo Local Government Area.
1.5 Significance of the Study
The finding of this study will motivate the farmer to produce quality and disease free products capable of meeting the nutritional requirement of address the problems of malnutrition, food insecurity low income and poverty as a whole.
Nigerian policy makers and Animal Health Professionals will benefit from the study as the studies will expose them to the cause of major epidermis seen each year resulting in death of many birds, and this knowledge will enable more precise disease control planning.
The study will provide valuable data to the scientist for epidemiogical studies both logically throughout Nigeria through collaboration. The data will also assist them with a role informing animal health and disease control policy.
The study will be significant in the training of farmers on improve livestock breeds for the gradual upgrading of local breeds.
This study will help to increase productivity of poultry farms which in turn will create job opportunity to the community and reduce the cost of production. Also the more progressive or productive the poultry farm is, the more produce will be supplied to the market for distribution.
The study will help the community dwellers and those practicing poultry on subsistence level in Uyo Local Government Area by teaching them poultry management practices and approaches which can be used to achieve improved performance in their business.
Chapter Six
Summary, Conclusions And Recommendations
6.1 Summary
This study was carried out on the prevalence of poultry disease and itss mortality rate. The study assessed Avian Influenza, Newcastle and Gumboro diseases antibodies status of poultry in Abuja LBMs by haemagglutination inhibition (HI) and agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) tests respectively. Biosecurity practices were also assessed through administration of standard questionnaires. The data obtained were analysed using statistical package.
Prevalence and mean titre for avian influenza was 65.3% and 10.40±0.94 log2, respectively. Newcastle disease mean antibody titre was 5.91±0.27 log2 with prevalence of 64.3%. Gumboro disease prevalence was 69.8%. Among species tested, duck had the highest avian influenza prevalence of 84 % and chicken prevalence was 63.3%. Pigeons and turkeys have been exposed to Gumboro disease virus with chickens having Newcastle disease prevalence of 63.8 %. All the species had avian influenza antibodies titre ≥ 7log2 except guinea fowl. Garki Area I LBM had the highest avian influenza prevalence of 87.9 % with Garki II new extension market having the lowest prevalence of 22.2 %. Fowl sellers engaged in risky practices such as stacking of cages. Sixty four point six percent ( 64.6%) of fowl sellers use sick poultry for food, 33.3% sell sick poultry, 29.2% throw away offal and only 20.8% bury dead poultry. Furthermore, 37.4% of fowl sellers knew none of avian influenza signs though 69.8% were knowledgeable on its mode of transmission. Nonetheless, 90.0% of fowl sellers would report avian influenza outbreak to Veterinarians.
Poultry in Abuja LBMs have been exposed to avian influenza virus and are not protected from Gumboro disease and Newcastle disease outbreaks which might be confused with highly pathogenic avian influenza. The exposure of poultry to avian influenza antigen is most likely recent with the possibility of the bird species shedding the low pathogenic field strain at high levels . The risk of ducks spreading infection to household local chickens is high as local poultry farmers often get breeding stocks from the LBMs.
Fowl sellers engage in risky practices likely to expose them and poultry to avian influenza virus.
There is need to undertake Avian Influenza virus surveillance in LBMs in Abuja and better articulate avian influenza risks to fowl sellers.
6.2 Conclusions
Poultry in Abuja LBM have been exposed to AIV and are also not protected from ND outbreaks which might be misdiagnosed for Avian Influenza.
The exposure to avian influenza antigen is possibly recent with the likelihood of excretion of field low pathogenic strain by ducks in particular.
There is high risk of poultry purchased from these LBMs spreading infection to household local chickens when local poultry farmers get their breeding stocks from live bird markets.
Fowl sellers engage in high risk practices likely to expose them and their poultry to avian influenza virus as biosecurity measures are grossly inadequate within the LBMs.
6.3 Recommendations
There is need to undertake avian influenza virus detection in LBMs in Abuja.
It is recommended that vaccinations against ND and GD should be encouraged to prevent outbreaks of these diseases in commercial flocks.
Fowl sellers and the public should be enlightened on the importance of biosecurity towards AI and other contagious poultry diseases.
Efforts should be made by fowl sellers to put ducks and other water fowls in different sales units to minimize interspecies cross contaminations.
The Federal Capital Development Authority should enhance available infrastructure to make optimum biosecurity programs workable within all the LBMs in Abuja.
