Effects Of Three Types Of Feeds Of Laying Hens On Production Performance
The effect of different dietary lipids on the number of egg produced by 1000 black laying hens of age 25 weeks were investigated. Laying hens were subjected to different treatments according to the source of lipid added to their diets: soybean oil, beef tallow and a control diet (without the addition of oil). The experiment al design was in 3 by 2 factorial arrangements (three treatments and two different levels-quantity of feed given per day). 500 were given 0.125kg/day for each hen (low) and the remaining 500 were given 0.134kg/day for each as well. The number of eggs laid daily were collected and analyzed. The eggs produced by laying hens on the soybeans oil diet had a largest percentage (90.19%) compare to the laying hens given beef tallow (74.15%) and the laying hen with control diet (63.24%). The feed with the soybeans oil is more efficient at egg production compare with those with beef tallow and the control diet without any addition of oil. Based on these result it was concluded that the amount of eggs laying by birds can be modified by the sources of lipids included in the diet.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter One:
General Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Source of Data Collected
1.3 Justification For The Study
1.4 Aim and Objectives
1.5 Definition Of Terms
1.6 Advantages of Factorial Experiment
1.7 Disadvantages Of Factorial experiment
Chapter Two:
Literature Review
2.1 Factorial Experiment
2.2 Experiments with Factors each at two Levels
2.3 Birds and Their Feeding
2.3.1 Categories of chickens
2.3.2 Egg type Breeds
2.3.3 Meat type Breeds
2.3.4 Dual purpose Breeds
2.3.5 Bantam
2.3.6 Egg colour of Bird
2.3.7 Feeding
2.3.8 Protein
2.3.9 Carbohydrates
2.3.10 Vitamins and Minerals
2.3.11 Water
2.4 Importance of the Poultry Industry
Chapter Three:
Material and Methodology
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Model Equation for Three Factor-Experiments
3.3 Methodology
3.4 Test for Homogeneity of Variances using Bartlett’s Test
Chapter Four:
The Analysis
4.1 Introduction
4.2 The Statistical Model
4.3 Hypothesis Setting
4.4 Tables of Totals
4.5 Test for Homogeneity of Variances
Chapter Five:
Discussion and Conclusion
5.1 Result and Discussion
5.2 Conclusion
Historical Background
Fabrics farm limited Eiyenkorin Afon, Afon Road was established in 2003 with 10 skilled and 40 unskilled workers.
The farm deals with poetry keeping, fish farming, Animal feeds, Animal husbandry, Agronomy practices and marketing of agricultural products.
There are four sections in the farm Administrative, egg production, feed milk and Brooding section with pest sales and marketing department.
Chapter One
General Introduction
1.1 Introduction
The knowledge of factors of production makes us to understand that rent is the reward of land, wages and salary reward for labour, interest is for capital so as the profit is the reward of entrepreneurship.
Maximization of profit is ongoing topic of interest by the producer of poultry product .these producers are concerned about how birds are to be fed and types of feeding to be given to yield maximum production. For many years, these have been much emphasis on the managing director of any poultry farm.
There are different factors that enhance the production of eggs laid by birds in poultry farm, these include: weather, environment, feeding etc.
Birds have similar digestive system to human being. They need certain nutrients to keep healthy, grow and lay eggs. These nutrients are protein, carbohydrate, vitamins, minerals and water.
Oils and fats are concentrated sources of energy essential to the composition of diets of high nutritional density and for maintenance of the calorie / protein equilibrium. When lipids are added to the diet of laying hens, they increased the energy density of the diets improving palatability, reducing the calorie increase of the diet due to protein and carbohydrates increasing the metabolic energy efficiently and improving feed conversion, in addition to enhancing the number of eggs laying.
Beef tallow commonly used in the poultry industry is a by product of cattle slaughter, and is used as energy source in chicken diet.
Soybean oil is another energy source often added to chicken diets, obtained by the processing of raw soybeans.
1.2 Source of Data Collected
The data is a secondary data collected from FABIS FARM NIG. LTD. KM 2, EIYENKORIN ROAD AFON. The data covered 12 weeks. The eggs laid by the hen were collected and recorded everyday for twelve weeks.
1.3 Justification for the Study
The research will enable the students, farms and researchers to have the knowledge of how to fit a model for factorial design and also to determine the effect of source of lipid added to the composition of laying hen’s diet.
1.4 Aim and Objectives
Loss is a great factor that kills business at early stage, in order to avoid such, the idea of maximizing the profit thereby arises.
The aim and objectives of this research work are:
To improve the production of eggs in the poultry farm.
To determine the best combination of feed for laying hen to be more proactive.
To modify the amount of eggs laid by hen.
1.5 Definition of Terms
A treatment is an entity or phenomenon under study in an experiment.
These levels of a factor are the values of the factor utilized in the experiment.
The response is the variable of interest to be measured in the experiments.
Factors are those variables whose effect on the response is of interest to the experiment.
Experimental Units / Plots:
This is the smallest units to which a treatment is applied and on which an observation is made.
Random Error:
This is error introduced in to the experiment by uncontrollable factors such as natural phenomenon.
This refers to the same treatment on different experiment units. Replication makes it opposable asses the mean square error (MSE) requires of the number of replication. BLOCK:- Blocking means the partitioning the field in to homogenous units. This reduces the extraneous source of variation.
Main Effect:
The main effect of the factor is to changes in response produced by a change in the height level of that factor averaged over the level of the factors.
Interaction of the factors A, B is the average different between the effect A at the high level of B and the effect of A at level of B or the response to various level of a factor in the presence of the factors.
1.6 Advantages of Factorial Experiment
All experimental units are utilized in evaluating effects, resulting effects, in the most efficient use of resources
The range of conditions tested can be increased with minimum outlay of resources.
The interaction between factors can be estimated.
A factorial arrangement of treatment is optimum for estimating main effects and interactions
1.7 Disadvantages of Factorial Experiment
Very large numbers of combinations are needed to study several factors at several levels.
The large size of the replicates decreases the efficiency of the experiment.
Reduction of the size of the replication means makes statistical analysis more complex and can create confounding.
Chapter Five
Discussion and Conclusion
5.1 Result and Discussions
From the test of homogeneity of variances using Bartlett’s test, the yield by week and yield by level were found not significant at 0.05 level of significance.
The result of the test of homogeneity of variances using Bartlett’s test the result gives 0.8817>0.05 and 0.7682>0.05 respectively indicate that the null hypothesis is rejected and therefore validate not the assumption of error terms i.e. E(ԐiԐj)² =δ² for all i and j but the result states further that the variances for the treatment are equal (0.00<0.05). For this reason, we therefore transformed the data using logarithm.
Table (4.6) is the ANOVA table generated from the transformed data. Based on the result obtained from the table, it is noted that effect of treatment (feed) and week are significant (F=554.667, P=0.000) and (F=2.552, P=0.00389). But the effect of Levels, Treatment by Weeks interaction, treatment by level interactions, Week by Level interaction and Treatment by Weeks by Level interaction are not significant (F=0.093, P=0.76114), (F=1.215, P=0.22924), (F=0.270, P=0.76376), (F=0.457, P=0.92886) and (F0.497, P=0.97403) respectively.
5.2 Conclusion
Base on the result obtained under the condition of the present study , it is concluded that the effect of the three feeds are not the same on the production of eggs no matter the level (quantity) of the feed being given the birds . It shows also that the week effect (age) is also matter most on the production of birds.